
Call for Expression of Interest to Conduct Final Evaluation of the Action “A Public Glimpse into a Closed World: Human Rights Situation in Closed Institutions”


In December 2017, “Public Journalism Club” (PJC) NGO in consortium with “Investigate Reporters” NGO launched “A Public Glimpse into a Closed World: Enhancing Public Information on and Awareness on Human Rights Situation in Penitentiaries and Psychiatric Residential Institutions in Armenia” two-year project financed by the European Union (EU) and co-funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF) – Armenia.

The overall objective of the project is to improve human rights situation at closed institutions through increasing public awareness and public debate to identify and publicly discuss relevant issues and possible solutions.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Enhance media professionals’ awareness of and ability to cover issues related to human rights situations at closed institutions;
  • Increase coverage and quality of reports on the human rights situation in closed institutions.
  1. Call for final project evaluation

We are looking for an experienced project evaluator to conduct the project final evaluations on the assessment of achievements, the quality, effectiveness and the results of Actions. From this perspective, evaluations should look for evidence of why, whether or how these results are linked to the EU intervention and seek to identify the factors driving or hindering progress.

Evaluations should provide an understanding of the cause and effect links between: inputs and activities, and outputs, outcomes and impacts. Evaluations should serve accountability, decision making, learning and management purposes.

The detailed ToR of the Action final evaluation is available here:

  1. Requested services

3.1.1      Scope of the evaluation

The evaluation will assess the Action using the five standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and the perspectives of the impact. In addition, the evaluation will assess two EU specific evaluation criteria:

  • the EU added value (the extent to which the Action brings additional benefits);
  • the coherence of the Action itself, with the EU strategy in Armenia and with other EU policies.

The evaluation team/evaluator shall furthermore consider whether target groups and gender were mainstreamed; the principle of Leave No-One Behind and the rights-based approach methodology was followed in the identification/formulation documents and the extent to which they have been reflected in the implementation of the Action, its management and monitoring.

3.1.2      Indicative Evaluation Questions

The specific Evaluation Questions as formulated below are indicative. Based on the latter and following initial consultations and document analysis, the evaluation team/evaluator will discuss them with the Contracting Authority and propose in their Inception Report a complete and finalized set of Evaluation Questions with indication of specific Judgement Criteria and Indicators, as well as the relevant data collection sources and tools.

Once agreed through the approval of the Inception Report, the Evaluation Questions will become contractually binding.

  1. Timeframe of the Engagement

It is planned to executed a 5-month service contract with the selected candidate: detailed timetable can be found in the ToR.

  1. Evaluator’s Qualifications and Experience

The assignment will be contracted to candidate with experience in the substantive area of civil society and knowledge of human rights. The candidate should have:


A university degree at the post-graduate level in the social sciences, law, humanitarian, management or other relevant field of study

Work experience

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in project management, implementation / evaluation of human rights, media or other relevant projects/programmes;
  • Solid understanding of human rights protection, closed institutions related issues;
  • Competence in sample survey techniques;
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills;
  • Good people and communication skills;
  • Proven work experience in use of participatory evaluation methods for identifying measurable target indicators;
  • Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to succinctly and clearly distil critical issues;
  • Must be a self-starter and be able to work independently with excellent demonstrated teamwork, coordination and facilitation skills;
  • Experience in leading multi-disciplinary teams to deliver quality products in high stress and short deadline situations;
  • Fluency in computer (bringing his/her own laptop to the mission will be required). .


  • Strong leadership and planning skills
  • Excellent written and presentation skills (English and Armenian)
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work in the multi-cultural team environment and to deliver under pressure/meet deadlines
  • Ability to network with partners on various levels
  • Comfortable with the necessary computer skills (MS Word)


Fluency in English and Armenian languages is required.

  1. Selection

Candidates will be evaluated according to an assessment matrix, which includes the following features:

  1. Background and experience
    • Practical professional skills/ Years of experience
    • Education
    • Didactic skills experience in training
  2. Concept Note
    • the approach and suggestions for the evaluation
    • content and relevance
  3. Commitment
    • The candidate should indicate how much time he/she can dedicate to the assignment.
  4. Budget
  5. Required documentation and application procedures

The deadline for the submission of the application is the 15th of October 2019. Applications should include:

Applications should include:

  •       CV
  •       Cover Letter: max 300 words, should explain why you think you are qualified for this post and also indicate when you can start to work.
  •        Brief Concept Note not exceeding 3 pages describing the approach and suggestions for the evaluation.
  •      Proposed budget of all-inclusive fee in AMD, including separate lines for the Consultancy fee and travel costs (e.g travel, translation, data collection assistance, printing etc,), as deemed necessary for the assignment.

Qualified candidates should send the requested documents to [email protected] and in CC to [email protected]

Applications that do not include all the required documents will be disqualified.

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

If you have any questions on preparation of the Proposal please contact via [email protected]

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