
Civil Defence

A war in Artsakh erupted on September 27, 2020 forced every single person to think about his or her protection and raised questions about civil defence.

What do we remember about the basics of civil defence? How to behave in emergencies?

To overcome the challenges that war created and to increase the public awareness of the population about civil defence and protection, the Public Journalism Club produced educational visual materials that were widely disseminated in social networks by both the media and individuals.

Visual materials present the main steps of civil defence: what to do in case of air-raid siren, what does the siren sound like? What does an emergency bag mean? What should your bag contain?

In addition to the visuals, PJC published the sound of an air-raid siren, which is available by following this link.

The Public Journalism Club initiated the translation of the awareness posters into Yezidi, making the materials on civil defence available to the Yezidis living in Armenia. This was made possible with the support of Zuzan Khuboyan.

Below are the brief descriptions of the posters on civil defence and the links to the full series:

The content of civil defence is based on the information provided by RA Ministry of Emergency Situations: The following types of air-raid siren are used to warn the population: “Air-raid siren”, “Attention”. The sirens are alarmed in the following cases: 1) “Air-raid siren” is sounded in case of air attack, 2) “Attention” is sounded in case of emergency or its threat, also to inform about the end of air-raid siren.

The posters are available in Armenian here.


Ev materyalek perwerdehiyê ye ku hişyariya gelemperî zêde bike. Agahdariya ku di gotarê de hatî pêşkêş kirin ji malpera Wezareta Rewşên Awarte ya RA-yê tê girtin: Ji bo hişyarkirina gel nişaneyên jêrîn ên alarmê têne bikar anîn: “Alarma hewayê”, “Bala her kesê”. Nîşanên alarmê di rewşên jêrîn de têne dayîn: 1) Di rewşa êrişa hewayî de sînyala “Alarma hewayê” tê dayîn, 2) Di rewşa awarte an tehdîda wê de sînyala “Bala her kesê” tê dayîn – dawiya alarma hewayê.

Tekst êrmenî walgerandîye kurmancî Heghîne Xûboyan.


We all know that in a state of war and, in general, at home, you need to have a bag on hand to take it quickly in an emergency. It is very important that we know in detail what the bag should contain, what to put in the medicine box in the bag, which first aid kits are most needed, where they should be stored and under what conditions.

The Public Journalism Club has prepared a visual handbook that can be used by anyone. It is preferable to disseminate it to as many people as possible to increase awareness. Who knows, maybe public awareness will save lives?

The posters are available in Armenian here.


Em tevjî zanin rojên dew û doza şêrda, yanê malda çentê te hazirbi bi tendrusîya xweva, çi ko hevceye çentê tedabe,hazir li ber destê tebe. Bi rev bezê bikaribî zû hilînî. Em bi ferzî gerekê zanebin çi ko lazime wî çentîda hebe, hîmlî dû derman ko bikaribî komegdarîya ewlin bighînî mirova û pir ferze tu ko karî wî cenfî bê qezîya xweyîkî. Komera rojnemevanîyê borc hilanîye ser xwe, boy wan înformasîya û pirsa bisporî şirova belake wekî her kes haj wê yekê hebe. Diqewime ew gilî, gotinê zane gele mirova dûrxwe ji qezîyay û xilaske, wana biparêze.

Tekst êrmenî walgerandîye kurmancî Heghîne Xûboyan.


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These posters were made possible with the support of Open Society Foundations – Armenia.

You can also contact the Public Journalism Club by sending e-mail on [email protected] or by calling 012 755 898, 099 755 898.

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