
Fact-Checking Journalism Competition

We live in a time when confronting information flows is a serious challenge for each of us. Every day, a lot of fake, unverified information is spread on the Internet, which misleads the public, presents myths and conspiracies.

To address these challenges together, as well as to encourage young, future journalists to produce well-argued multimedia material, the Freedom of Information Center and the Public Journalism Club are announcing a fact-checking journalism competition.

Terms of the competition:

  • Materials must be published / broadcast and/or prepared between August 15, 2019 and August 15, 2020.
  • Materials should include elements of fact-checking, data verification based on information requests, fact-checking tools, and references to factual sources.
  • There is no limit to the topics but the evaluation will take into account the importance of the facts presented in the material for the country’s social and educational problems, the elimination of the consequences of Covid 19, the steps taken to prevent and eliminate corruption.
  • Each applicant can submit 1 journalistic article for each nomination.
  • Only Armenian materials are accepted.
  • Materials are accepted online with a web link.
    – in case of published materials, the active reference of the relevant material in the media.
    – You can upload unpublished materials in free online resources or on your personal social network page and mention the link.
  • The authors can use the guide created by PJC  and FOICA to prepare the articles.

Who can apply?

  • Acting journalists under 35,
  • Student journalists.

Nominations and formats:

  • Radio material
  • Article
  • Video

The presented journalistic material can be radio material (podcast), article (text material, text material with accompanying infographics, recording, links, photo stories, etc.), video (interview, report, film, free genre).

Each nomination will have 3 competition places, the first place winners of which will be awarded AMD 300,000 each (including taxes defined by the RA legislation), the others – certificates.

How to apply?

To apply for the competition, you need to fill in the application form here.
The deadline for applications is September 6, 2020 inclusive.

The submitted materials will be evaluated by a professional jury composed of representatives of journalistic organizations. The works will be reviewed, evaluated by the jury in advance, guided by the principles of journalistic ethics, fact-checking mechanisms, and the effective application of information inquiries. The jury has the right not to award a prize in any category or place if there is no material that meets the evaluation criteria.

The results of the competition will be presented on September 28, 2020, on International Day for Universal Access to Information .

For details or questions you can call 091435136 or write to [email protected].

Fact-checking journalism competition is carried out in the framework of “Access to Information. New Challenges, New Solutions” project by the Freedom of Information Center (FOICA) and Public Journalism Club (PJC) coalition with the support of the US Department of State Public Relations.

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