Invitation to Conduct Research: “Disinformation Flows and Fake Narratives of the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process”
- April 21, 2023
- Category: Announcements
The Public Journalism Club (hereinafter as PJC) invites research organizations and individual researchers to apply for the competition to conduct research on the topic of “Disinformation Flows and Fake Narratives of the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process.”
The purpose of the research is to study disinformation flows, fake narratives, and conspiracy theories that circulate in the context of the Armenia-Turkey normalization process, which distort the real processes and hinder the building of relations between the bilateral people and states. After highlighting the existing problems, the research should identify their regularities, commonalities, differences, and features, as well as propose strategic communication approaches that will help overcome the highlighted issues, at least at the level of civil societies.
The research objectives are:
- Develop a research methodology based on the study and analysis of information and narratives circulated by governments, as well as in traditional/mainstream and modern media.
- The studies carried out within the framework of the research should focus on several important periods: the period of January-September 2020 and the following 6-12 months (the second NK war: before and after), the first quarter of 2023 (earthquake in Turkey).
- In the framework of the research, develop the methodological criteria and approaches of the study, the selection of sources, and their analysis.
- Based on the information obtained during the desk work phase of the research, conduct regional (regions of Armenia: community level) focus-group discussions to understand the spread of fake stories/narratives, disinformation, and conspiracy theories, their impact on community life, and on the level of individuals.
- Develop a research report, including all components, in particular:
- The title/cover page of the report
- Research summary (abstract)
- The introduction to the research
- Research goals and objectives
- Research methodology
- The sources studied within the scope of the research
- Research results in two parts: desk and field work results, analysis of results
- Conclusions based on the regularities and features of the analyzes carried out
- Suggestions for improving strategic communication
- Links/sources
- Appendices
PJC envisages a period of six months for the implementation of the research. The report submitted at the end of the research will be revised by PJC and partner organizations. PJC is planning to organize an online presentation of the research report, which will allow civil society actors to learn about the research findings and exchange ideas on how to improve strategic communication between CSOs in the context of the Armenia-Turkey normalization process.
PJC encourages not only researchers but also media, communication, and strategic communication specialists to be involved in the teams of research groups and organizations.
To apply, interested groups must submit:
- Concept of the proposed research (up to 3 pages, in A4 format with 11 font size, Sylfaen font)
- References describing/demonstrating research experience (portfolio)
- CVs of the people involved in the research group
- The price offer for the implementation of the research
Applications will be evaluated according to their compliance with the above-mentioned descriptions by the Consortium implementing the project.
The deadline for applications is May 31.
Applications should be sent to Alexander Martirosyan, Projects Manager of PJC, at [email protected] e-mail address, with “Research_#ATNPRR2023_YOUR_NAME” in the subject field of the email. Applications that do not contain the above-mentioned documents or are incomplete will not be considered in the evaluation process.
This research is being implemented with the support of the European Union.